July 5, 2011 9:27 am Breaking News, Cultural By Susan Brinkmann, OCDS
Thanks to intense lobbying on Capitol Hill, the office of “Safe School Czar” Kevin Jennings, a radical homosexual activist who was devoted to introducing homosexuality into the nation’s public schools, has been eliminated along with nearly three-quarters of its funding.On June 20, not long after Jennings submitted his resignation, a top official in the U.S. Department of Education announced that the office was being cut and its remaining programs were being transferred to a newly created “Office of Safe and Healthy Students” which will be set up under the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education.
“This follows nearly over eighteen months of pressure from MassResistance and media outrage (using our research and reports) about Jennings’ horrible history as a homosexual activist and his use of his Federal office to push the homosexual agenda in schools across the country, and our demand that his office be de-funded,” writes MassResistance.
The group used a two-pronged approach to do away with Jennings’ position. First, they compiled and published a comprehensive report on Jennings’ activities as co-founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesgian, Straight Education Network), an organization that aggressively promotes homosexuality to school children. This information was picked up by various high profile media organizations such as Fox News, The Washington Times and various on-line blogs and pro-family groups such as the Family Research Council.
Second, they provided this information to key lawmakers which resulted in the sending of a letter to the president requesting that Jennings be removed, a request that was signed by 53 Congressmen and women.
MassResistance was the only group actively lobbying and pressuring members of Congress on this disturbing issue, but they didn’t stop there. They also set up an on-line petition that gathered over 10,000 signatures from outraged citizens.
“In the end, Congress got the message,” the group writes. “Although we would have preferred that all the programs be gutted, the overwhelming amount was certainly cut.”
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