Monday, May 2, 2011

Obama Kills Osama

Never mind that Obama had scaled back our war effort in the region in terms of money and manpower. Bush kills the dragon, Obama gets the glory. 
Note: notice how the liberals at MSNBC call him an "extremist" rather than a terrorist?  That kind of very carefully tailored word choice is par for the course with liberal media.
Meanwhile, al-Qaeda gains ground in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen thanks to Obama encouraging the overthrow of those nations' secular regimes that were strongly anti-terrorist. Iran and Syria, top funders of terrorism in the region, continue to develop a nuke and slaughter pro-democracy activists. But let the chumps try and figure out which shell the peanut is really under . . . . ~~JHebert
"There are some actions in this world that are so evil and heinous that justice cannot be made for them. This is why the ultimate act of justice for our sins had to come in the form of a divine action and that absolute action of justice, the cross, was not a form of retribution but rather an action of supreme mercy." ~~MDeem
Justice has not been done. Nothing can make up for the thousands of lives lost on 9/11, the thousands of soldiers killed in two wars, and the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.  ~~KDeem
"In the soul of a Christian there is never joy for the death of a man, even if he is an enemy." - Archbishop Rufin Anthony of Islamabad-Rawalpindi, Pakistan
A Christian who says "justice was done" with respect to Osama's killing knows justice not. ~~MDeem