Monday, December 27, 2010

Obama Calls Eagles Owner, Thanks Him for Giving Michael Vick a 2nd Chance

**Written by Doug Powers  From Michelle Malkin website

The Humane Society endorsed Obama in 2008, but maybe the president knows this is becoming safer political territory on which to tread, because less than two weeks ago the president of the Humane Society said he’s open to Vick one day being allowed to own dogs again.
From Sports Grid:
Obama, it seems, is squarely in the “credit Vick for making good on another chance” camp. King said last night that Obama called Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie and commended him for giving Vick the second chance many ex-prisoners never receive. King reiterated that report in a later tweet:
Yes, Obama called Eagle owner Jeffrey Lurie to praise the Eagles for giving Vick a chance. Said too many prisoners never get fair 2d chance.
This is supposedly a “pat on the back” for an owner open to second chances, but here’s a wildly rhetorical question: Would this call have been made if Vick had been having a lousy season? I mean, should the success or failure of a second chance be judged solely by QB rating? Heck, would the call have been made if Lurie wasn’t such a big Democrat/Obama supporter? The “second chance” that might be at the back of Obama’s mind is the 2012 election.
In any case, I have an uneasy suspicion that this could culminate in a shamelessly publicized (of course) “Alpo summit” at the White House to which Bo, if he’s smart, will send his regrets.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe

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  1. #1
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:03 am, jamesgreenidge said:
    Like ANY sports figure in question for “date rape” or drugs or animal abuse, their high saddle butts would be kicked out of sports and anywhere indefinitely. One strike is three. No wonder kids think they can get away with murder.
    James Greenidge
    Queens NY’
  2. #2
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:04 am, spaceycakes said:
    It’s not simply about cruelty to to animals nor about dogs specifically…it’s a mindset of hate and destruction.
  3. #3
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:08 am, rambler said:
    I thought that bho was going to be focused like a laser on jobs. Vick the puppy killer should not be getting bho’s attention. What’s next, a POTUS pardon?
  4. #4
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:12 am, robhic said:
    And, politically incorrect as this might be,would the call have been made if Vick was white? (there, I said it!)
    Methinks not…
  5. #5
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:15 am, tre said:
    Waits 3-4 months to send more troops to Afghanistan.
    Waits 3-4 months to do diddly-squat about the gulf oil spill.
    Within a 3-4 DAYS he makes a statement about a psychopath getting rehired.
    We can see where his priorities lie.
  6. #6
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:21 am, orlandocajun said:
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:12 am, robhic said:
    And, politically incorrect as this might be,would the call have been made if Vick was white? (there, I said it!)
    Methinks not…
    If the Philly black panthers were hooded rednecks, would they have been prosecuted?
    “would the call have been made if Vick was white?
    We’re the racists though…
  7. #7
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:35 am, GladzKravtz said:
    the president of the Humane Society said he’s open to Vick one day being allowed to own dogs again.
    Hope the Humane Society changes their stand to say he’s only good for donating to animals, not caring for them.
    Wonder what Best Friends Animal Sanctuary thinks about this. They, and others went to court to save the Vick dogs from being put down. Since then they’ve rehabilitated and in the very least saved them.
    To be judgmental:
    Vick, OJ, Micheal Jackson – treated the same way by many who only see one thing.
  8. #8
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:50 am, spaceycakes said:
    this demon admitted he killed dogs with his hands.
    What’s to forgive?
  9. #9
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:53 am, hawkeye54 said:
    their high saddle butts would be kicked out of sports and anywhere indefinitely. One strike is threeunlimited. No wonder kids think they can get away with murder.
    FIFY. Well, as long as the athlete is high profile and highly profitable, there is virtually no limit.
  10. #10
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:56 am, right_on said:
    Obama feels a sort of comradery with Michael Vick…they have both profitted from getting down and dirty in the pits! Vick sicced his dogs on others, and Obama has done the same.
    So, in a way, Obama is asking the public for a second chance, offering up Vick as an example of what happens when one gets that chance.
    Ain’t gonna happen, pal!
  11. #11
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:57 am, Pasadena Phil said:
    Doesn’t Obama have more important things to do? He insults our allies, apologies to our enemies and spends the rest of his time groveling at the feet of sports and entertainment celebrities. You get the idea that he would consider getting his own TV show a promotion. Maybe Oprah can hand him her old show as she pursues her new venture The Oprah Network (pay attention Michelle O: TON)
  12. #12
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:07 pm, AlohaGuy said:
    Obama Calls Eagles Owner “Deep Throat”, Thanks Him for Giving Michael Vick Bill Ayers a 2nd Chance
  13. #13
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:07 pm, thejim said:
    OBambi is all about “celebrity”. He is a star, he communes with stars, there is no import beyond star power.
  14. #14
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:12 pm, letget said:
    Finally, a child did to bho what some of feel we would love to do!
  15. #15
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:17 pm, Danceswithdachshunds said:
    GladzKravtz said: To be judgmental: Vick, OJ, Micheal Jackson – treated the same way by many who only see one thing.
    Heh heh…
  16. #16
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:18 pm, Jeddite said:
    President BroBama would be holding a bichon frise
  17. #17
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:19 pm, Hangfire said:
    Yes, and thanks to Berry Gordy for signing “Rare Earth” to play for MoTown. Yeah, it was 1970, and the band is white and still together.
  18. #18
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:21 pm, Hangfire said:
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:50 am, spaceycakes said:
    this demon admitted he killed dogs with his hands.
    What’s to forgive?
    Sickening! It’s not like he was killing cats or snakes….
  19. #19
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:32 pm, TigerLady said:
    And they call George W. Bush an idiot. God help us.
  20. #20
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:34 pm, Texas T said:
    I heard Dr Laura say this a while ago- something like: “If you show compassion to the criminal, you are lacking compassion for the victim(s).”
    Something most liberals just don’t get.
  21. #21
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:41 pm, vickisoup said:
    There are plenty of registered sex offenders who’d make great offensive lineman. How ’bout we let bygones be bygones and get some of them into these high-paying positions? I mean, everyone deserves a fair second chance, right?
    /sarc off
    I hate it that BHO gets away with this stuff.
  22. #22
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:47 pm, Hangfire said:
    On December 27th, 2010 at 12:41 pm, vickisoup said:
    There are plenty of registered sex offenders who’d make great offensive lineman.
    Or TSA screeners…..
  23. #23
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:20 pm, tanksoldier said:
    Vick served his time. His crime had nothing to do with football.
    You don’t have to like him, and his team IS keeping him on a rather short leash as it were, but there’s no reason to prevent the man from practicing his profession.
    Vick MAY be one of the few prison actually helped. He’s certainly a more focused player now, and his work ethic has improved tremendously.
    He’s bankrupt, he’s a pariah and he MAY have finally gotten his head on straight.
  24. #24
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:24 pm, max said:
    On December 27th, 2010 at 11:12 am, robhic said:
    And, politically incorrect as this might be,would the call have been made if Vick was white? (there, I said it!)
    Methinks not…
    Beat me to it Robhic.. and the answer to your question is…. absolutley not.
  25. #25
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:34 pm, Danceswithdachshunds said:
    tanksoldier said: His crime had nothing to do with football.
    I agree with everything you said except that. It would be like saying ‘drinking alcohol in excess’ has nothing to do with driving a car. It did involve illegal gaming which, in general, does affect the NFL because it’s all under the same illegal ‘roof’.
  26. #26
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:35 pm, nail49 said:
    I thought that bho was going to be focused like a laser on jobs.
    rambler: One job at a time. First Vick’s then his own. After that, it’s on to something else — bho can’t stay focused THAT long!
  27. #27
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:45 pm, Pasadena Phil said:
    I thought that bho was going to be focused like a laser on jobs.
    Laser? Obama meant to say razor!
  28. #28
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:54 pm, Marc said:
    I don’t have a problem with Mike Vick. It’s Obama. Mike Vick made a guilty plea, went to prison for about 2 years and paid a huge fine. Financially, he was ruined and he lost 2 years of a short football life. So he did his time and has a right to earn his living.
    What bothers me is Obama’s need to inject himself into every issue on the planet. He declared himself an expert on the Cambridge, Ma. police department and decided the issue needed his divine intervention. He declared himself the moral arbiter of whether there should be a mosque at Ground Zero. He decided there should be one, in his mind ending the debate. He shows up at NFL games, college BB games, makes phone calls to steal the limelight after the UConn ladies break a record, there is no end to his hogging the spotlight. And in Obama’s mind, his intervention in earthly matters is akin to heavenly intervention. And this is a man that on Sunday, the New York Times, via liberal prof Dalleck, said was so humble and modest that he did not need the spotlight.
  29. #29
    On December 27th, 2010 at 1:56 pm, Sanddog said:
    The idea that we’re supposed to “forgive” Vick and “Wipe the slate clean” because he served 21 months is absurd. Yes, he served his time but that doesn’t undo his past actions. No one is under any legal or moral obligation to pretend Vick isn’t a scumbag.
  30. #30
    On December 27th, 2010 at 2:18 pm, spaceycakes said:
    Hangfire said: Sickening! It’s not like he was killing cats or snakes….
    you must really want to get rid of me…
  31. #31
    On December 27th, 2010 at 2:25 pm, Hangfire said:
    On December 27th, 2010 at 2:18 pm, spaceycakes said:
    you must really want to get rid of me…
    aw…….I was just baiting you.
  32. #32
    On December 27th, 2010 at 3:03 pm, beenthere said:
    Putting Obama in charge of the nation is like putting Michael Vick in charge of your dog.
  33. #33
    On December 27th, 2010 at 3:14 pm, spaceycakes said:
    it worked LOL
    that’s me–transparent.
  34. #34
    On December 27th, 2010 at 3:14 pm, Marc said:
    Mike Vick has been a model citizen since his release from prison. Rex Ryan, in contrast… well, I don’t even want to think about Rex’s and his wife’s warped minds.

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